Goat Cheese Aumoniere
10 Feuilles de Brick Dough
1 bag Spinach Leaves
10pc Goat Cheese Small Slice
Maille Vinegar Cider
Echire Unsalted Butter Cup
2 Pears
Olive oil
3 Garlic Cloves
Salt & Pepper
10 Tooth Picks
- 1. Sauté the spinach and chopped garlic in butter.
- 2. Brush one side of each feuille de brick with clarified butter. In the center, put the spinach and goat cheese, then top it with diced pears.
- 3. Give the brick dough a bundle shape and attach it with a tooth pick.
- 4. Put the bundles on a sheet pan with baking paper and bake them for 10 to 15 minutes at 350°F.
- 5. When baked, remove the tooth pick, and serve on a bed of salad, seasoned with olive oil and Maille apple cider vinegar.
- 6. Sauce: Lamb juice with fresh rosemary and butter that is browned in a saucepan.
Goat Cheese Bruschetta, Crunchy aspargus roll & wasabi cream, Foie Gras & Porcini on Brioche, Ravioles du Royans Verrines