Vegetable Ragout Cassolette
3 oz Artichoke Quarters
3 oz Brussel Sprouts
3 oz Baby Carrots
3 oz Salsifis
2 oz Flageolets
2 oz Peas
2 oz Peeled Fava Beans
2 oz Asparagus 4"
1 tsp Carrot Glacis
1 tsp Onion Glacis
2 oz Butter
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 oz Sugar
1/3 cup Water
4 Pancetta Slices
- 1. Melt butter with olive oil.
- 2. Saute the artichokes and brussel sprouts until golden brown.
- 3. Add the carrots, salsifis, flageolets to the wok and heat up until lightly colored.
- 4. Add the vegetable glacis, sugar and water.
- 5. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
- 6. Add the peas, fava beans and asparagus.
- 7. Saute under high heat until the vegetable juice is reduced and the vegetables are glazed.
- 8. Arrange the vegetables in each cassolette.
- 9. Saute the Pancetta and add on top of the vegetables.
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